
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Seems It's Going To Be Another Nutty Month

January was absolutely NUTS! There was nothing normal about it, from the weather to death to kids seeming to lose their minds (ok, not really, but teenagers are not NORMAL).
And now we've entered Feb........ and it's looking a lot like not Christmas but a repeat of Jan. (hopefully without anyone dying though).
I've got parents flooding my home and school asking for sponsors. Now I have a waiting list of over 100 children. No way I can even touch that for the time being. Seems they will be waiting for quite some time and some of them waiting not too happily.
Then a disgruntled employee. This has been going on for quite some time. Anything anyone says he's ready to argue and go even further by abusing you with his words. Finally, today I've had enough and asked him to leave. He has until the morning to get out, probably not wise as everyone around is a bit fearful at the moment of what he might/could do. Since leaving the school at 6 in the evening, I've been called back there 3 times to deal with him. Not sure how many times it will happen tonight......
His brother is coming in the morning to put him on a bus back to the village, around 6 hours away. I think everyone will breathe easier after that.
One bright spot in the day was meeting little Vincent. This little guy captured my heart immediately. As soon as he saw me, he ran up and grabbed my hand, as if we were old friends. I was going to do a home visit before he is officially admitted into the school and he happily held my hand and escorted me to his home. His home wasn't such a bright spot as it's just a bunch of iron sheets nailed together with a dirt floor. Also, he and his mom are HIV+ and of course his dad is no where in the picture.
You are probably asking where is the bright spot in all of this???? Well, all of Vincent's papers are filled out, signed and stamped by the correct people and he is going to begin school on Monday! He's going to get to learn and get breakfast and lunch every day. Plus, I'll get to see his beautiful smile every day!

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