
Friday, November 30, 2012

Welcome to the World Baby Joelee!

Joelee (taken from Joely) is Hebrew and means God is Lord made her way into this world at 7:37a.m. November 27.....  after a little excitement and drama.
We weren't real sure of her exact due date.  I kept saying Dec. 6.  But, I was huge and the ultrasounds kept giving us dates ranging from Oct. 31 to Nov. 26.  The doctor went with Nov. 26.  I had an appointment with him the evening of Nov. 26 and at first he was saying we'd wait a bit longer.  Then for some reason he decided to do an ultrasound.  The ultrasound revealed that the amniotic fluid was decreasing and so waiting no longer was a possibility.
He decided that I'd check into the hospital the following morning at 6:30 to be induced.  I was terrified.  Jurnee was such an easy delivery that I was expecting the same this time.  And I've heard so many horror stories of moms being induced, it lasting forever, it being more painful (and no epidurals here due to a shortage of doctors!), and often resulting in a C-section.  None of these things sounded too exciting to me.  But, nothing really to do.  
We went home that night knowing that tomorrow morning we'd be checking into the hospital and hopefully meeting our baby girl soon after that!
I set my alarm for 4:45 and got up.  All was well until around 5:30..... I began to feel a little "weird."  A little bit later when we were entering the car, it was clear that baby girl was coming on her own.  No induction was going to be needed.  Now our worry was if we'd make it to the hospital in time.
We did!  We entered the reception around 6:30, the time we were to be there anyway.  An hour later, Joelee was here.  She weighed 9 pounds and 11 ounces!  A big, healthy baby girl!
After spending the day, night, and most of the next day in the hospital we were released to go home!

We drove up in the car and everyone was excited that we'd come back.  The kids all came running over to the car and Jurnee was shouting with joy!  We let her get in the car a big.  Joelee decided to make a little crying sound.  Jurnee did not like this one bit.  She looked over at Joelee and began screaming (crying) as if to say, "Get that baby out of the car!"  Her crying continued pretty much the rest of the night any time she was near Joelee.  

Our strategy then became let's help Jurnee get used to the new baby.  It seems to be working.  She gets excited and says "baby" now when she sees Joelee and wants to sit next to her!  Last night she even wanted to fall asleep next to her on the bed!  I know they're going to be best friends as they grow!  It might be hard in the beginning but I'm excited that they'll be close and always have each other.

1 comment:

sweetsmokesonline said...

So very beautiful. Just like her Mommy and two other sisters. Congratulations my dear sweet friend.