
Saturday, January 2, 2010


Uganda is hailed as being a country with many Christians, and a rapidly growing number at that. What is not said is that it is a country where Christianity is "a mile wide but only an inch deep."
Many people say they are Christians. They were born into a Christian family, given a Christian name, possibly even baptized in the church. But, for many, it all stops there. Many will say they are Christian because of the above said reasons but will live a life contrary to being a Christian.
One of these ways in the amount of witchcraft that is practiced here- by Christians, Muslims and those that say they belong to nothing. It's widely practiced. Some will pray saying they have faith and then head to the shrine. Some will say they are poor but spend everything seeking answers from the witch doctor.
Any time someone falls sick or there is some sort of tragedy in the family, the immediate cause is stated: "I've been bewitched."
I've got this going on at the moment among my staff. Most of them don't get along. This is largely due to division among tribal lines here. But, being that I live in the city where all tribes are living side by side and not in a village where it is one tribe as a majority, it's difficult to choose from only one tribe to employ. However, it makes for some very interesting staff meetings.
At the moment, three of the staff live at the school. Three different tribes living side by side. I've been telling them they'll have to learn to get along. For the most part, it's been ok, minus one of the staff. For the past couple of weeks since the holiday program ended, she's been gone most of the time. She only comes once in a while, bathes, and then leaves again.
Well, today, the other staff reported to me that when she comes to bathe that she uses local medicines from the witch doctor and then pours the water in strange places. The staff that was reporting this to me had her son nearly die a couple of days ago. This staff was asking me if I was afraid she would start bewitching me too.......
So, the accusations fly! I'm not sure if they are true or not. Could be or it could just be hatred and it's an easy accusation to make. Whatever the case, I know my God is bigger than any bewitching and I choose to stand and put my faith in Him. Whatever may come, witch doctor, local bewitching medicines, I know I am protected.

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