I feel like the last three weeks I've been being tossed around in the center of a whirlwind, that is, if a whirlwind has a center.
First, term 3 ended. This ended the first year of the running of the school. I guess that shouldn't have really made me feel upside down. But, it did. It meant preparing end of term exams. Yes, I still think it's crazy to give a 3 year old and exam. But, it's done here so..... when in Rome, do what the Romans do! Then I had to grade those exams and fill out report cards for the kids.
Then there should have been thoughts of rest. NOT. The week after end of term I spent running around trying to get prepared for the holiday program. I was doing that in the midst of collecting kids from schools (because that was when most schools were breaking off) and trying to collect bankslips for school fees for next year, school supply lists, photos, etc. to begin getting ready for next year. That's a whole nother story.... one that has got me in panic mode.... But, like I said that is another story.
Then the beginning of the holiday program. It's been a lot of work but it's been fun for the kids. Of course, we were only half ready on the first day. But, that is the great thing about here. No one noticed. And since we are catering to kids, I don't think they really cared. All they know is they get to run around and play, get help with school work, get to hear about the Bible every day, plus get breakfast and lunch every day. (We actually tried to do away with breakfast because of funds. That worked only for a day....)
In the afternoons, the older kids stick around. The past week they worked on making beaded necklaces. I think this next week they are going to be learning how to make necklaces from recycled paper! And there is a guy at a local school who has a degree in art that is interested in coming to VOLUNTEER to teach the kids art!
I'm disappointed that enough money didn't come in to keep the program going throughout the entire holiday. We'll end on Dec. 18. In Jan. I'm still thinking that maybe at least the older kids can come in the afternoons (after lunch since I can't afford the food) and study and work on projects. Plus they are low maintenance. They don't need much supervision!
And my house is filling up! Of course, Mary and Jackie live here. Esther joined us for the holidays at the beginning of Nov. Today Hawah and Queen joined us. And later this week Juliet, Janet, Shakira, and Penina will be arriving (along with a mzungu on Sunday for a week visit!).
The first thing we did when Queen and Hawah arrived to night was to have a family meeting. It went well. We divided up the household chores. And wrote and posted it on a list. This way it will be hard for someone to deny that they didn't do the work or blame someone else. Pretty much, Jackie and I will be fetching water every day and Jackie is on trash duty daily! The other girls traded things around from day to day.
Now Jackie is sleeping and the other girls are in the other room talking and laughing! I love that sound!
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