
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Like a Tree Planted by the Water.......... or in the Middle of the Road

Uganda is a beautiful country but definitely not known for the quality of its roads. Most are unpaved and to say they are bumpy is an understatement. In fact, just this morning while going over one of these bumps I flew out of my seat to hit my head on the roof of the taxi!
In November of 2007, the queen of England came for a meeting in Uganda so in preparation for her visit, many of the roads were repaired. Just a little over a year later, there is little evidence of these repairs. It's like they were just patched long enough for the queen to visit and then things began falling apart again. When it rains, the huge craters in the road form small lakes which cars, whether they are filled with water or not, have to drive around.
Yesterday, as I was riding in the taxi on a much used road in the middle of the city, we came upon a tree that someone had planted in one of these holes. Whether the tree was there or not, we would have had to drive around the hole so I guess it was nice to have a bit of scenery to drive around.
I haven't been back there today to see if the tree is still there or not. Maybe I should check it out. If people leave it there long enough, we may even get some free shade while we are stopped waiting for the traffic jam to move.

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