The one thing about my "job" that I hate most and can't seem to get used to is death. I see a lot of it and each time it is hard to take. Sometimes it comes by surprise. Other times, we've had a bit of time to prepare for the inevitable.
Last night a call came to my phone in the evening as I was just finishing supper. It was one of my big kids- one that I felt like I had made some major headway with in the last few weeks. She was calling to tell me that her mom had just died. It shocked me. I had just been at her home the day before and her mom was fine.
This is a family of many children. I was talking to the oldest (only 16). The youngest is only 2. This is a family that I've completely enjoyed working with. It's the family that Jackie belongs to. It was her auntie that died. This is a mom that I'm not certain knew Christ. Barriers with her were just beginning to break down. She was still pretty much against the church but at least in the last couple of months she had become a friend. At first, she would barely even look at me. This changed to slowly starting to have conversations with me to within the last few weeks we could sit down and share a meal.
It's a family of really bright chldren. When I met them none were going to school. I've been slowly putting them back into school, one by one.
I spent about half of last night with most of the kids at their home. This morning I had to go to bring the second oldest from boarding school. Let me tell you: it is NOT FUN to tell a child that her mom has died. I don't want to have to do it again, EVER.
I don't know what the future holds. The oldest was supposed to start back to school next year. Will this change her mind as she now feels she has to be mom to the younger ones? Will the ones already in school decide to give up? How will they eat? How will they sleep? Where will they live? So many questions, and at the moment, very few answers.
This is also the blood relative that connected me to Jackie. Now that she is gone, what will happen? Will Jackie's mom now think that there is no relative at home and decide to come for her?
I did get to meet some of the other relatives today and hopefully some relationships can be forged to help all of the children cope. Hopefully the relatives will be willing to help the children and not leave that responsibility fully up to me. Many times here if a child is left without a parent, they are left hopeless. Even if a relative takes them in, only the bare necessities are provided. This doesn't include school. Frequently these children are mistreated and become nothing more than the househelp.
God, help me know what to do. Give me land and a big, big house. Give these children a hope and a future.
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